Avery Arjang Shares the Different Types of Lights You Should Use For Landscapes

Avery Arjang

Avery Arjang

Every inspiring photographer knows that the key to great images is lighting. Lighting is one of those things that can either make or break an image. Your portfolio will show how you use lighting to your advantage. There are numerous different light capabilities. These include natural light as well as artificial lighting.

Landscapes are a type of photography that has shown a lot of growth in the past decade. When taking images of landscapes timing is important. Not just the time of day but the timing of wind and other elements as well. The most essential and the first place to start however is the time with the best lighting. Avery Arjang explains the different types of lights used for great landscape photography.

Reflective Lighting

Reflective lighting can also be called diffused lighting. This happens when light directly from the sun comes down and bounces off a different type of surface. This surface is normally adjacent from the view you are taking. An example of this is a body of water. A lake of water may reflect sunlight off of it and onto the side of a mountain or cliff next to it. It gives it a soft glowing appearance that is great for images.

Overcast Lighting

Not every day can be sunny and bright. Many people look at these foggy days as gloomy and down. It is a time when most people stay indoors. This could be the perfect time to pick up a camera and take some great landscape images. The appearance of fog gives off a bluish color. It is also has a soft and fuzzy appearance about it which will give great images.

Direct Lighting

Black and white photography is on the trend again. These type of photos are hard without the precise light that is needed, however. Direct sunlight is the best time to take black and white photos. It makes certain aspects of the image seem brighter and clearer to see. Direct sunlight usually occurs within a couple hours. It happens just before sunset and a couple hours after sunrise.

Warm Lighting

Warm lighting comes at a certain time of day. It gives a soft glow to the image and makes it pleasant to look at. Warm lighting is mostly found at the point of sunrise or sunset. Different objects in the image will look to be illuminated from inside.


A backlight is when an image is taken and the sun can be seen within the image itself. A lot of the time it will look like a large star and the rays of the sun are seen as well. Landscapes show this type of lighting more than any other type of images.

Open Shade

Open shade is when there is no direct light in the image. It can be found mostly in trees and areas that are populated largely with plant life. This is a type of lighting that can be found throughout the day and at multiple times. It is easy to find and great to use. It is also one of the more popular choices of lighting for photographers.

Artificial Lighting

Artificial lighting is possibly the easiest type of lighting to find. This is because it’s made by the photographer and manipulated to fit their needs. It can be something as simple as a lamplight outside shining on a piece of land. It can also be a manipulation of the image itself. Changing the colors on the image or brightening one area of the image’s done easily.

Combination Lighting

Combination lighting is when you use two different forms of lighting to create a great image. Nature often shows us the different contrasts of sunlight. This can be found when the day is starting to end and you have the diffused lighting from the clouds. The dim light can still show a reflection from a surface near the image. This will cause not only a subtle glow and warm look. It will also show a shaded look that resembles an overcast lighting. In the end, you will have a combination of lighting that will help to create phenomenal images.

SUe different types of lighting and experiment to create the best images you can. If you need help look at the experts. Avery Arjang is an accomplished photographer with great knowledge of landscape photography. She has expert advise that is given to anyone who needs it. Her landscape photography is some of the best around with great lighting. She shows attention to detail and aspects of an image that most would not see.